So I decided to check out the data on our Etsy shop, in terms of page visits and how people are getting there.
The internet is a crazy place.
The list of keywords that have landed people at our shop is a bit odd. Things like "vintage dress mad men" and "organic bath and beauty products." Wondering where exactly these types of terms were taking people in a shop dedicated to crochet dolls, I decided to add a "landing page" filter.
I understand even less now.
The search terms "etsy mr hankey" (the Christmas Poo from South Park) landed someone on our Hello Kitty listing. Sokka apparently loves animals, but only pleasant ones, because the terms "cute panda drawing" and "cheerful dragons" both landed people on him. I bet the person who searched for "blue bird gift tags" was surprised to land on the Radish Spirit. I'm not even sure what "soap felting" is, but, just like the original two examples I gave (the dress and the beauty products), that search landed people on our main shop page.
Oh and the post title? That was because the search " the bohemiangoddess" landed someone on Squall's page (he's also a "sith monk" I guess...).
Oh my